Selenium Automation




  1. Why Java & Java History ?
  2. Java features and programming format.
  3. Various class loaders & internal structure of JVM.
  4. Variable declaration & Byte Code generation using Java Compilers.

OOPS Concepts

  1. Introduction
  2. Object
  3. Constructors
  4. This Key Word
  5. Inheritance
  6. Super Key Word
  7. Polymorphism (Over Loading & Over Riding)
  8. Abstraction
  9. Interface
  10. Encapsulation
  11. Introduction to all predefined packages
  12. User Defined Packages
  13. Access Specifiers

Data Handling & functions

  1. Java String Handling concepts
  2. Function declaration
  3. Arrays- Creation of Single Dimensional
  4. String Pool & literals
  5. String Buffer & String Builder

Exception Handling & Multi-Threading

  1. Exceptions & Types
  2. Try-Catch-Finally
  3. Throw & Throws
  4. User-Defined Exceptions
  5. Thread creation & Thread Life cycle
  6. Life Cycle Methods & Synchronization concept.
  7. Wait(), notify(), notify all() methods.

Wrapper classes & Inner Classes

  1. Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character
  2. Boolean classes -Wrapper
  3. Member Inner Class
  4. Static Inner Class
  5. Local Inner Class
  6. Anonymous Inner Class

Collection Framework

  1. Introduction
  2. Util Package interfaces, List, Set, Map
  3. List Interface 7 Its Classes
  4. Set Interface & Its Classes
  5. Map Interface & Is Classes.


  1. Introduction to SQL: Connect, Insert, Update, Delete, Select
  2. Introduction to JDBC and Architecture of JDBC
  3. SQL Introduction CRUD operations(Create, Read ,Update & Delete)
  4. Transaction Management: Commit & Rollback
  5. Type of JDBC drivers
  6. Database Connectivity & Batch processing

Auomation concepts

Introduction & Selenium Installation

  1. What is Selenium & It’s components
  2. Installing Selenium IDE
  3. Creating Your first Selenium IDE Script
  4. How to use Locators?
  5. How to enhance script using Selenium IDE
  6. Create and running Tests & Test Suits       

Web driver & Inspection

  1. Introduction to Web Driver
  2. Installation & Architecture of Selenium web driver
  3. Create first script & Launching in various browsers
  4. Installing Firebug & Firepath 
  5. Automating operations on various Elements
  6. Automating Keyboard & Mouse Events
  7. Handling Multiple windows
  8. Handling Alerts & Frames
  9. Handling Ajax components & Creating customize xpath/Css Selectors.
  10. Synchronization (Wait concept)

TestNG & it's working

  1. Introduction to TestNG & advantages of TestNG
  2. Installation & why we need TestNG.
  3. Creating TestNG file test file & test Annotations
  4. Run tests and checking reports.
  5. Generating HTML reports & validating tests with assertions.
  6. Creating multiple tests & prioritizing tests.
  7. Parameterization with dataProvider & with excel
  8.  Creating & Running testNG suite with testNG.xml
  9. Parallel & cross browser testing using testNG.

Automation Test Framework:

  1. Modular Driven Framework
  2. Keyword Driven Framework
  3. Data driven Framework
  4. Hybrid Framework

Page object model & page factory

  1. What & why we use POM?
  2. Advantages of POM
  3. Creating POM Tests
  4. What is Page Factory & Creating tests with Page Factory.

Selenium Grid Understanding

  1. What & when to use Selenium Grid?
  2. Installation & use of Grid
  3. What is Hub & Node
  4. Design test Script & Run in Grid
  5. Use of DesiredCapabilities & RemoteWebDriver
  6. Sequence & Parallel Test Execution
  7. Run test on different OS & Browsers.

Maven, Jenkins & GIT

  1. What is Maven & it’s installation
  2. Configuration & Creation of project
  3. Importing & Exporting project
  4. What is POM.xml & its dependencies
  5. Installation & configuration of Jenkins
  6. Scheduling tests & Auto mail configuration
  7. Continues Integration with Jenkins   
  8. GIT Installation 
  9. GIT Bash commands & uploading project to GIT

Ashutosh Kumar (14 years)


Parveen Mehra (12 years)


Sandeep Yadav (6 years)
